Giese, Harry Christian entry in the Northern Territory Dictionary of Biography, revised edition, Charles Darwin University, 2008, pages 211-214
Via CDU Library at Casuarina Campus Special Collection and Alice Springs Campus, 920.09429 NORT;
At National Library of Australia
Harry Christian Giese Collection
Building the modern Northern Territory post-World War II, through 'arduous and controversial' initiatives in education, health, welfare and community engagement
Person at
Item List at
Harry Christian Giese Collection at
This collection covers work in Aboriginal affairs, building community groups, education and arts, Menzies School of Health Research and policy-making after Territory self-government in 1978, material generated in the administration of the Northern Territory
See under Menzies School of Health Research heading on this site
Also Menzies School of Health Research: Early History 1979-2000 at
The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Trust and Foundation, the First Fifteen Years, 1978-1993 at
Menzies School of Health Research, Report on the First Two Years, July 1984-June 1986 at
John D. Matthews, The Menzies School of Health Research offers a new paradigm of cooperative research, Medical Journal of Australia 169 (11-12), 625-29, 1998
Deloitte Access Economics, Economic and social contribution of Menzies School of Health Research to the Northern Territory, Australia and the Asia Pacific, 2012
Harry Giese, Planning a program for Aborigines in the 1950s, Northern Territory Library Service Occasional Paper 16, 1990 at and other material including Annual Reports, Welfare Branch, Northern Territory Administration, 1954-1972, AGPS, Canberra at These are available at 15 locations, including the State Library of New South Wales (where Planning a program for Aborigines in the 1950s is available at, the State Library of Victoria and the University of Adelaide (see below)
See and also Report on study tour of Canada and the United States of America undertaken in 1966 as a Churchill Fellow, H.C. Giese, 1966; also at Murdoch University, Western Australia
See Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Northern Territory of Australia Annual Report 1969-70 at; click on View Finding Aid, then click again on blue cover in list (see more below)
NTRS 1043/P1, Personal papers relating to government administration in welfare and Aboriginal affairs, 1929-86; PAC 33, extensive documentation of setting up community organisations
NTRS 226 TS 755, oral history interviews
Search the NT Archives at
For oral history, 30 tapes of interviews with Harry Giese, with summary and transcripts available, go to
For Cyclone Tracy, see under Personal papers, photographs and oral history interviews
Annual Reports, Welfare Branch, Northern Territory Administration, 1957-1971, call number 351.94290353499915 (also see below)
PictureNT contains pictures of Indigenous work, housing, families and education in the 1950s and 60s, in collections including the Douglas Lockwood, Joyce Gilbert, Tschirner and Department of Lands Collections
Professional, Northern Territory Administration, until self-government
'Each year the Administrator of the Northern Territory prepared a detailed report summarising the administration of the Territory over the previous 12 months. Attached to the annual reports were a series of individual reports prepared by the Directors of the departments within the Administration. Copies of the reports were included in bound sets of Commonwealth Parliamentary Papers. A reference set of Administrators' Annual Reports is held by the National Archives in Darwin.
The Administrators' reports provide a wide range of information about the Territory and matters affecting its administration. They also include statistical information from each department.'
(see Ted Ling, Post-War Growth and Development, Commonwealth Government Records about the Northern Territory, page 100, National Archives of Australia, 2011; a useful set of Notes with references follows)
Northern Territory Annual Reports are also available online, from institutions including AIATSIS, Parlinfo and the National Library of Australia (see below)
NTAC 1982/34 (SV), 1954-77, plus
For Harry Christian Giese's 1939 Australian Armed Services enlistment portrait (Melbourne),
see Service Number 118476, Series No A9301
March 1939: Enlisted 25th Light Horse Machine Gun Regiment; August 1941: Volunteered for RAAF; September 1942: While on service in northwest Western Australia, RAAF call-up
Released on application of Commonwealth Department of Health for roles in National Fitness in Western Australia, Queensland and country-wide (from 1947-54)
These, plus departmental Reports including those for the Welfare Branch, Northern Territory Administration (see below) are available through the National Library of Australia, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), at Library & Archives NT and from State and university libraries. For example, see Northern Territory Annual Reports:
1961-62 at
1962-63 at
1 963-64 at
These are available from:
Harry Christian Giese Digital Collection, Item List, page 1, for Reports from 1958-59, 1959-60, 1960-61, 1962-63, 1971-72; see
National Library of Australia for Reports from 1950-72, at
Library & Archives NT at Annual report/Northern Territory. Administrator. Welfare Branch, NTC PER 353.5 NORT; Reports are stored off-site but may be accessed in the Library. No inter-library loans
Reports also available at other libraries, including the State Library of New South Wales and the State Library of Victoria
National Library of Australia, Northern Territory Legislative Council Debates (Hansard) 1948-74, is at Call number Nq 328.9429 NOR, (Government publication; Periodical/Journal; magazine, other--1948-74)
Access also at university libraries such as Griffith University, Queensland; the Nicholls Collection, Flinders University; and the University of New South Wales. The Mitchell Library at the State Library of New South Wales holds bound volumes at 328.938/1, including Sixth Council, First Session 1957-58; Second Session 1958-59 and Tenth Council, First Session 1969, but is missing debates between 1958-66 and 1971-77. See
There is an Index of Legislative Council Debates and Questions, 1948-74 issued in 1981 by the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly, the Council's successor. See
The Index is also available at the State Library of New South Wales